I can’t tell you how many times I have spoken with a frustrated job searcher who thinks they should be getting multiple interviews because they are applying to 100+ jobs every day. Wait, WHAT?! You are applying to 100+ jobs every day? This is the first red flag, because it tells me that they are likely not tailoring their resume to the individual position. Today we will discuss why your resume is being rejected – and how to avoid it.

Identifying the problem
Many times I hear that these individuals are applying to sales, marketing, project management, administrative assistant, and many other types of positions WITH THE SAME RESUME.
Yes, I know. There are a lot of capital letters in that last sentence, but it truly baffles me every time. If you are applying to 100+ jobs every single day, stop right now. Aim for 5 to 10 super high quality applications every day, and take enough time to tailor it to the individual position.
I can guarantee with a very high amount of certainty that you will not make it beyond the first phase of the hiring process (the applicant tracking system or ATS) if you are firing off that many applications.
Auto rejections and the ATS
An auto-rejection email is an indicator that your resume did not make it into the hands of the hiring manager. It does not matter how qualified you may be for the position, if you can’t get past the ATS you will not be considered. If you do get past the ATS and you can’t make a compelling argument to the hiring manager, it still doesn’t matter that you are the perfect fit for the job.
If you want to learn more about how to beat the applicant tracking system, take a few minutes to read this blog: https://www.resumeassassin.com/how-to-beat-the-applicant-tracking-system/.
You can also check out jobscan.co to learn more about the ATS and relevant scanning tools.
Recap: why your resume is being rejected – and how to avoid it
Let’s do a quick recap so you can accelerate the results of your current job search.
- Stop firing off the same resume for every single position.
- Read the individual job description carefully. I’m talking word for word.
- What are the education and work experience requirements? How do you meet those requirements? What achievements are relevant to those requirements? How could you step in and make an immediate impact on the position?
- Double check that you have chosen an ATS-friendly format and write a highly tailored resume that shows your unique value for that individual position.
Resume Assassin has got your back
Job searching can be frustrating and resume writing is tough. If you have any questions or need some help, Resume Assassin is here to help you get results! www.resumeassassin.com