I have recently seen a surge in clients seeking to change their careers to sales. Today we are going to discuss how to land a sales job with little to no experience.
Step 1: Evaluate your interests, values, and skills
It is critical that you start evaluating your current skills to determine which are transferrable into a sales career.

You need to have exceptional communication, organization, team work, problem solving, and relationship building skills. Actively identify (and write down) a few times that you have built relationships and effectively communicated thoughts, plans, and actions.
Consider major challenges you have faced throughout your career, what actions did you take to solve these problems?
Have you negotiated an internal or external deal in your current position?
Figure out creative ways to improve all of your transferrable sales skills, prominently display them on your resume, and incorporate them into your interviews.
Step 2: Hire an exceptional resume writer
I am talking about someone who spends all day immersed in multi-industry verbiage and stays updated on current ATS requirements.
Let’s be honest, you WILL need a powerful resume to make it past applicant tracking systems (ATS).
What is an ATS? In short, ATS is a software that manages the recruiting and hiring process. Learn more about how to make it past the ATS here: https://www.resumeassassin.com/how-to-beat-the-applicant-tracking-system/
The #1 reason my clients hire a professional resume writer is because they are not gaining traction in their current job search.
“I have a diverse background but am having difficulties explaining my sales skills on paper.”
“The current resume, I wrote, and have sent over 50 applications but I’m not getting interviews.”
“I believe the resume is the issue.”
“How do I frame my diverse experiences and accomplishments to capture the interest of hiring managers for sales positions?”
Step 3: Transition with confidence
Sales can be the perfect place to develop a skillset in a constantly evolving industry where you can earn a great living. But remember, it will not always be easy.
Demonstrate your drive by being the first person in the office (even if it is a virtual office), learn from others, become a subject matter expert in company products, and get to know the company’s customers.
Dress for success, show initiative, stay patient, foster connections with qualified leads, and treat customers like your family.
Have fun, work hard, and reap the benefits of a long and successful sales career.
Get started with Resume Assassin today: www.resumeassassin.com or mary@resumeassassin.com
Connect on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mary-southern