Land That Promotion Before 2022 is Over

6 Strategies to Get Ahead of the Competition The end of 2022 is approaching a little too fast for comfort. We’re already in November. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and according to the year-round countdown at my doctor’s office, there are only a handful of...

Scary Resume Horror Stories

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! I thought I’d deviate from the usual how-to and advice blogs to bring you some of the scariest resume horror stories in existence.  All names have been changed to protect the identity of everyone involved. All stories are based on true...

5 Job Trends of 2023

Let’s take a quick moment to reflect on how late in the year it already is.  The New Year is right around the corner. With that, comes resolutions. New year, new you, right?  Are you planning on switching positions or careers in the new year? If so, read on...