It is abundantly clear that there are many people out there labeling themselves as a “resume expert.” That is great, but where is the evidence to back that up? I have written 1,000’s of resumes helping clients (through the C-Level) break into small through enterprise corporations across diverse industries.
I am not saying this to brag, but to simply state that I have A LOT of experience writing highly successful resumes. Today, I am going to provide some advice to help you capture a competitive advantage in your next job search.
Here are the top 3 strategies to ensure a competitive advantage
Most of my conversations with clients start off with a similar theme: I KNOW I am good at what I do, but I have no idea how to convey that on my resume. They struggle to write a resume that truly reflects their unique value and achievements. Even further, they are unsure how to translate their achievements into a story that aligns with their target position.
Let’s start simply. Your resume needs to show the reader WHO you are, WHY you’re the perfect fit, and HOW you will exceed their expectations.
Advice – A Clear Job Target
Your resume must blatantly show the recruiter or hiring manager why you are a perfect fit for the position they are trying to fill.
Even if you have a diverse set of skills and are open to opportunities across several different fields, it is still important for you to convince the reader that you are a perfect fit for this specific position.
When the hiring manager is reviewing your resume it should be abundantly clear which position you are targeting with relevant experience to back this up.
I recommend that you simply list the target job title at the top of your resume or list out relevant skills/keywords that align well.
Advice – Achievements
Avoid writing your resume like a laundry list that details your day-to-day duties. Instead, focus on impactful achievements that show the impact you made on the position, department, or company.
I always encourage my clients to consider their achievements in terms of the challenge faced, action taken, results achieved, and benefit to the employer.
A great example:
“Captured $2M in revenue growth through innovative process improvements and transformation. Implemented a new CRM to optimize customer acquisition and satisfaction.”
Try starting your sentences with an action verb, add quantifiable results, and briefly discuss how you delivered this result.
Advice – The Format
You need to consider two HR gatekeepers when designing your resume format. Your resume must be friendly to applicant tracking systems (ATS) and it must appeal to the hiring manager. Many hiring managers have specific preferences when it comes to the length, style, and format.
Many clients ask about the length of their resume. Is it important to have a 1-page resume? Is it bad if my resume is 3-5 pages? The majority of hiring managers prefer a 2-page resume, but of course there are always exceptions to that rule.
Other clients ask about a “modern resume template” thinking this is the best way to attract attention. “Modern” resume templates are generally separated by columns, which do not move effectively through the ATS.
However, I do recommend that you add a bit of flare to your template by adding color, bolding, shading, and enough white space.
Resume Assassin is the #1 ranked and rated resume writing service in Austin and you can check out a few samples here: www.resumeassassin.com.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, advice, or strategies that worked well for you: mary@resumeassassin.com.