How to Become a Civil Engineer

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there are 300,000+ Civil Engineering jobs with a mean annual salary of $95,440. If you find yourself intrigued by the world of civil engineering, you most likely already know the basics of the career path and how it...

A few easy steps to get hired faster

“I used to apply to 5 jobs and I would land 5 interviews and 4 job offers, what happened!?” Believe it or not, I hear this statement multiple times each week. The hard truth is that hiring practices have changed dramatically over the years. If you are not evolving...

5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Resume

If you are actively submitting applications with little to no response, then it is pretty clear that something needs to change. Many clients come to me deflated and discouraged because they are applying to “the perfect-fit position” with little to no feedback. They...